22 December, O REX GENTIUM

O King of the Gentiles, and the Desired of all nations(Hag 2:8), you are the cornerstone (Is 28:16) that binds two into one (Eph 2:14)....

21 December, O ORIENS

O DAYSPRING (Zech 6:12; Lk 1:78), Splendor of Eternal Light (Heb 1:3), and Sun of Justice (Mal 4:2): Come, and enlighten those that sit in...

Ave, verum Corpus natum, de Maria Virgine

In a certain sense Mary lived her Eucharistic faith even before the institution of the Eucharist, by the very fact that she offered her virginal...

Ave, gratia plena

Deus, aeterna maestas. cuius ineffabile Verbum, Angelo nuntiante, Virgo immaculata suscepit, et, domus divinitatis effecta, Sanctus Spiritus luce repletur, quaesumus, ut nos, eius exemplo, voluntati...

The Missa Aurea

A glowing radiance surrounds the Mass of December 20th. During the Middle Ages, the Mass of the Missus Est — the first words of the...