Category: Rule of Saint Benedict

Quid tibi vis faciam? (PROLOGUE (V)

5 Jan. 6 May. 5 Sept. Hence also the Lord saith in the Gospel: “He that heareth these words of Mine, and doeth them, is...

While ye have the light of life

2 Jan. 3 May. 2 Sept. Let us then at length arise, since the Scripture stirreth us up, saying: “It is time now for us...

Hearken, O my son

PROLOGUE OF OUR MOST HOLY FATHER SAINT BENEDICT TO HIS RULE 1 Jan. 2 May. 1 Sept Hearken, O my son, to the precepts of...

Of ends and of beginnings (LXXIII)

CHAPTER LXXIII. That the whole observance of Perfection is not set down in this Rule 1 May. 31 Aug. 31 Dec. We have written this...