Beheld from heaven by God (VII: The First Degree)
27 Jan. 28 May. 27 Sept. Let him consider that he is always beheld from heaven by God, and that his actions are everywhere seen...
Avoid all forgetfulness (VII:The First Degree)
26 Jan. 27 May. 26 Sept. The first degree of humility, then, is that a man, always keeping the fear of God before his eyes,...
Lifted up by the Lord to heaven (VII:1)
CHAPTER VII. Of Humility 25 Jan. 26 May. 25 Sept. The Holy Scripture crieth out to us, brethren, saying: “Every one that exalteth himself shall...
Acceptable to God and sweet to men (V:2)
23 Jan. 24 May. 23 Sept.
But this very obedience will then only be acceptable to God and sweet to men, if what is commanded be...
In following her you shall not go astray (V:1)
CHAPTER V. Of Obedience 22 Jan. 23 May. 22 Sept. The first degree of humility is obedience without delay. This becometh those who hold nothing...