Revela ad Dominum viam tuam et spera in eum (VII: 9)
2 Feb. 3 June. 3 Oct. The fifth degree of humility is, not to hide from one’s Abbot any of the evil thoughts that beset...
Obœdiens usque ad mortem (VII:7)
Jan. 1 June. 1 Oct. The third degree of humility is, that a man for the love of God submit himself to his superior in...
I came not to do mine own will (VII:6)
30 Jan. 31 May. 30 Sept. The second degree of humility is, that a man love not his own will, nor delight in fulfilling his...
Timorem Dei sibi ante oculos semper ponens (VII:3)
26 Jan. 27 May. 26 Sept. The first degree of humility, then, is that a man, always keeping the fear of God before his eyes,...
To put one’s hope in God (IV:2)
19 Jan. 20 May. 19 Sept. 22. Not to give way to anger. 23. Not to harbour a desire of revenge. 24. Not to foster...