Category: Homilies

Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity

Cascades of Jubilation The Office of Lauds this morning was a torrent of undiluted praise. The Church gives us doxology upon doxology. She expresses her...

And Again He Began to Teach

Week of Sexagesima Third Wednesday of the Year II Mark 4:1-20 Behold, the Sower Went Out to Sow Our Lord presents four situations to those...

Hastening to the Cross

Wednesday of the 1st Week of the Year II 1 Samuel 3: 1-10, 19-20 Psalm 39: 2 and 5, 7-8a, 8b-9, 10 (R. 8a and...

All Saints Day Homily

I took this photo of the sacred relics of the saints exposed in the monastery chapel after Second Vespers of All Saints. At Holy Mass...