Category: Eucharistic Face of Christ

Saint Juliana of Mont Cornillon

In celebration of the feast of Saint Juliana of Mont Cornillon, it is fitting to re–read Pope Benedict’s discourse (General Audience of Wednesday, 17th November...

Saint Gaetano Catanoso

The liturgical memorial of Saint Gaetano Catanoso occured on September 20th. Pope Benedict XVI canonized him on October 23, 2005. In the homily of the...

The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

I preached this homily some years ago. Here it is again. The icon depicts Our Lady of the Cenacle’s adoration of the Eucharistic Face of...

The Eucharistic Humility of God

The 16th Sunday After Pentecost The Most Holy Eucharist is the Sacrament of the Divine Humility. Those who partake of It worthily enter into the...