Category: Twelve Degrees of Humility

The first degree of humility (4)

29 Jan. 30 May. 29 Sept. Let us be on our guard, then, against evil desires, since death hath its seat close to the entrance...

The first degree of humility (VII:4)

28 Jan. 29 May. 28 Sept. We are, indeed, forbidden to do our own will by Scripture, which saith to us: turn away from thine...

The first degree of humility (2)

27 Jan. 28 May. 27 Sept. Let him consider that he is always beheld from heaven by God, and that his actions are everywhere seen...

Et inclinato capite (VII:12)

9 Feb. 10 June. 10 Oct. The twelfth degree of humility is, that the monk, not only in his heart, but also in his very...