Category: Spiritual Direction

The state in which you find yourself is of God

Here is another excerpt from the letter that Mother Mectilde wrote in 1665 to the same Mother Saint–François–de–Paule Charbonnier. This is spiritual direction of the...

We tepid monks (XVIII:3)

CHAPTER XVIII. In What Order the Psalms Are to Be Said 24 Feb. ( if it be leap-year; if not it is added to the...

When God shall be all our love

Today, 23rd July, is the onomastico (name day) of Brother Cassian Maria. Dear Brother Cassian, today is your first nameday under the patronage of our...

Fourth Letter to Wilfrid on Prayer

My dear Wilfrid, The Holy Ghost and the Sacred Liturgy It has been some time since my last letter. I was very touched when you...