Praying to Saint Joseph for Priests
Prayer to Saint Joseph for Priests O glorious Saint Joseph, who, on the word of the angel speaking to you in the night, put fear...
St Patrick’s Day Pilgrimage to the Hill of Slane
In celebration of the feast of Saint Patrick, part of the community made a little pilgrimage to the Holy Hill of Slane where, in 433...
Our Master, our Doctor, our Apostle, our Pope, our Gregory
One–hundred–eleven years ago today, Pope Saint Pius XI promulgated the Encyclical Iucunda Sane in celebration of the close of the 13th centenary of the death...
Benedict XVI on Pope Saint Gregory the Great
On Wednesday, May 28, 2008 Pope Benedict XVI dedicated his weekly audience to Pope Saint Gregory the Great. In honour of the saint’s feast, here...
Let not one be wanting at the last
The Forty Martyrs of Sebaste Well into the 40 days of the Lenten Fast we are given the feast of the 40 Soldier Martyrs of...