Propter pacis caritatisque custodiam
23 Apr. 23 Aug. 23 Dec. We foresee, therefore, that it is expedient for the preservation of peace and charity, that the ordering of the...
The unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace
CHAPTER LXV. Of the Prior of the Monastery 22 Apr. 22 Aug. 22 Dec. It happeneth very often that by the appointment of the Prior...
New Things and Old
21 Apr. 21 Aug. 21 Dec. Let him that hath been appointed Abbot always bear in mind what a burden he hath received, and to...
Sent to sustain and console others (LXIV:1)
CHAPTER LXIV. Of the Appointment of the Abbot 20 Apr. 20 Aug. 20 Dec. In the appointing of an Abbot, let this principle always be...
Castitatem amare
It is fitting on this feast of Saint Maria Goretti, Virgin and Martyr, to offer some random thoughts on chastity, the joyful virtue. Chastity leads...