Of Graver Faults (XXV)
CHAPTER XXV. Of Graver Faults 2 Mar. 2 July. 1 Nov. Let that brother who is found guilty of a more grievous offence be excluded...
What the measure of excommunication should be
CHAPTER XXIV. What the measure of excommunication should be 1 Mar. 1 July. 31 Oct. The measure of excommunication or chastisement should be meted out...
Of Excommunication for Offences (XXIII)
CHAPTER XXIII. Of Excommunication for Offences 28 Feb. 30 June. 30 Oct. If any brother shall be found contumacious, or disobedient, or proud, or a...
Of the Deans of the Monastery (XXI)
CHAPTER XXI. Of the Deans of the Monastery 26 Feb. 28 June. 28 Oct. Should the community be large, let there be chosen from it...
Of the Discipline of saying the Divine Office (XIX)
CHAPTER XIX. Of the Discipline of saying the Divine Office 24 Feb. 26 June. 26 Oct. We believe that the Divine presence is everywhere, and...