Ergo aequalis sit ab eo omnibus caritas (II:4)
12 Jan. 13 May. 12 Sept. Let him make no distinction of persons in the monastery. Let not one be loved more than another, unless...
When anyone receiveth the name of abbot (II:3)
11 Jan. 12 May. 11 Sept. Therefore, when anyone receiveth the name of Abbot, he ought to govern his disciples by a two-fold teaching: that...
I have not hidden Thy justice in my heart (II:2)
10 Jan. 11 May. 10 Sept. Let the Abbot be ever mindful that at the dreadful judgment of God an account will have to be...
The Strongest Kind of Monks
CHAPTER I. Of the several kinds of Monks and their way of life 8 Jan. 9 May. 8 Sept. It is well known that there...
Dilatato corde (Prologue 7)
7 Jan. 8 May. 7 Sept. We have, therefore, to establish a school of the Lord’s service, in the setting forth of which we hope...