Et ex caritate, confidens de adiutorio Dei, oboediat (LXVIII)
CHAPTER LXVIII. If a Brother be commanded to do Impossibilities 26 Apr. 26 Aug. 26 Dec. If on any brother there be laid commands that...
In the order of their coming to religion (LXIII)
CHAPTER LXIII. Of the Order of the Community 18 Apr. 18 Aug. 18 Dec. Let everyone keep that place in the Monastery, which the time...
Of the Sons of Nobles or of Poor Men that are offered
CHAPTER LIX. Of the Sons of Nobles or of Poor Men that are offered 13 Apr. 13 Aug. 13 Dec. If any nobleman shall perchance...
Suscipe me, Domine (LVIII:2)
12 Apr. 12 Aug. 12 Dec. Let him who is to be received make before all, in the Oratory, a promise of stability, conversion of...
The brother who is sent out on any business (LI)
CHAPTER LI. Of the Brethren who go not very far off 2 Apr. 2 Aug. 2 Dec. Let not the brother who is sent out...