To prefer nothing to the love of Christ (IV:1)
CHAPTER IV. What are the Instruments of Good Works 18 Jan. 19 May. 18 Sept. In the first place, to love the Lord God with...
Labora, et noli contristari (II:4)
12 Jan. 13 May. 12 Sept. Let him make no distinction of persons in the monastery. Let not one be loved more than another, unless...
Of hermits and cenobites (II)
CHAPTER I. Of the several kinds of Monks and their way of life 8 Jan. 9 May. 8 Sept. It is well known that there...
Dominici schola servitii (Prologue 7)
7 Jan. 8 May. 7 Sept. We have, therefore, to establish a school of the Lord’s service, in the setting forth of which we hope...
Ecce adsum (Prologue 3)
3 Jan. 4 May. 3 Sept. And the Lord, seeking His own workman in the multitude of the people to whom He thus crieth out,...