A note from Don Marco
Dear friends, I thank Lisa for giving you news of my arrival in Rome. I do not have internet access as yet and so have...
3 January, The Holy Name of Jesus
This will be my last entry until I get settled in at Santa Croce in Gerusalemmme in Rome. I leave tomorrow on the wings of...
Packing for the Eternal City
My dear friends Christopher and Lisa Hoffer–Schaefer and Nadine Casey spent their New Year’s Day afternoon and evening helping me pack. I would never have...
Merry Christmas to All, and to All a Good Night!
Before I go to bed, I want to say, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! After Mass at the Glorious Cross,...
I Love New York
I made a day trip into New York City today. Thanks to Deacon Richard Russo, Father Jacob Restrick, O.P. and I were able to visit...