Category: Homilies

Puer Samuel

Very often the key that unlocks for us the particular grace of any given Sunday is given in the Magnificat Antiphon at First Vespers. The...

Most Holy Trinity

Cascades of Jubilation The Office of Lauds this morning was a torrent of undiluted praise. The Church gives us doxology upon doxology. She expresses her...

Eyes Only for Thy Face

A Longing to See Him Again Blessed John Henry Newman wrote somewhere that the Ascension of the Lord is “at once a source of sorrow,...

And then your hearts will be glad

Homily, Second Day of Retreat to Priests of the Diocese of Galway Knock Shrine, Co Mayo Tuesday, 9 May 2017 The Collect of the Mass...


Homily, First Day of Retreat to Priests of the Diocese of Galway Knock Shrine, Co Mayo Monday, 8 May 2017 Having heard these things, they...