Mercy Above Every Misery
Twenty-Second Wednesday of the Year I Luke 4:38–44 Jesus in the House of Simon Jesus has just left the synagogue of Capernaum. He was teaching...
What God Expects of You in Christ Jesus
At the Monastery of the Glorious Cross, O.S.B., September 4, 5, and 6 will be marked by a triduum of Votive Masses in honour of...
The Wisest Investment of All
The Holy Father is on pilgrimage today to Loreto. My heart is on pilgrimage with him. Twenty-First Saturday of the Year I Matthew 25:14-30 The...
Saint Monica, Mother of Saint Augustine
Sirach 26:1-4, 13-16 Psalm 130: 1bcde, 2, 3 Luke 7: 11-17 Walking in the Light of His Face Today we see Jesus on his way...
Et Deus tuus Deus meus
Saturday of the Twentieth Week of the Year I Ruth 2:1-3, 8-11; 4:13-17 Psalm 127: 1-5 Matthew 23:1-12 A Virtuous Woman The book of Ruth...