Category: Homilies

Blessed Columba Marmion

A Great Irish Benedictine Today is the feast of a great Irish saint! Born and educated in Dublin, Joseph Marmion served as a curate in...

I will, be thou made clean

Adore ye God, O all ye His angels; Sion hears and is gladdened thereby, and the daughters of Juda shall exult. V. The Lord reigneth,...

Saint Bruno

Saint Bruno at the Cinema Curiously, Saint Bruno, the father of those who love solitude, found himself very much in the media in recent years....

The Knowledge of the Glory of God

Treasure in Earthen Vessels “We have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the transcendent power belongs to God and not to us” (2...

Deus, cuius providentia

The Collect It is, as I have so often said, by means of the Collect of the day — prayed once at Holy Mass, as...