Category: Blessed Virgin Mary

Let not your heart be disturbed

Let nothing frighten or grieve you, let not your heart be disturbed, do not fear any sickness or anguish. Am I not here, who am...

Loreto: A Place and a Grace

Pope Benedict XVI preached at Loreto on 4 October 2012. On this feast of the Holy House of the Incarnation, Pope Benedict’s words invite us...

The Mother, the Child, and the Serpent

The New Adam Caravaggio’s Madonna dei Palafrenieri, first exhibited in Saint Peter’s Basilica in 1606, is wonderfully disturbing. While Grandmother Saint Anne looks on, the...

Gaudens gaudebo in Domino

A Meditation on the Mass of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary [Originally posted in 2006] Look at this extraordinary medieval painting that...