Category: Advent Liturgy

The Fellowship of the Angels

Yesterday at Matins: II NOCTURN From a Sermon by St Aelred, Abbot Let us take a look at ourselves and our city.  Our way of...

John: Elias in Spirit

Yesterday at Matins: III NOCTURN The Lesson from the Holy Gospel according to John This was the testimony which John bore, when the Jews sent...

Let us attack the Lord on the way

This morning at Matins: From a Sermon by St Maximus of Turin, Bishop If women who have the care of a home will on certain...

Act of Reparation in Advent

Laudetur sacrosanctum et augustissimum Sacramentum in aeternum. My God and my Saviour, Jesus, true God and true Man, worthy Victim of the Most High, Living...

S. Ioannis Didaci Cuahtlatoatzin

Yes, that would be the much loved Saint Juan Diego of Guadalupe as he is designated in the new Solesmes Antiphonale Monasticum for December 9th....