Act of Reparation in Advent
Laudetur sacrosanctum et augustissimum Sacramentum in aeternum. My God and my Saviour, Jesus, true God and true Man, worthy Victim of the Most High, Living...
Lex orandi, lex credendi: the ground of priestly piety
As a Holy Victim The Secret of the Mass for today’s feast of Saint Alphonsus Maria Liguori goes to the heart of an authentic priestly...
Come to Me all you who labor and are heavily burdened
Pope Pius XII and Eucharistic Adoration Already, in the years immediately following the Second World War, and mostly in northern Europe, voices were raised in...
750th Anniversary of the Institution of the Feast of Corpus Domini
In preparation for the festival of Corpus Christi, it is fitting to re–read Pope Benedict’s discourse on Saint Juliana and the origins of the feast....
God Hidden and Unknown
The Auction Someone informed me, yesterday, of an auction being held this weekend at a farm not far from the priory. Among the old furniture...