Lectio Divina for the Week of Sexagesima

lectio_divinaEvery week I prepare a sheet to facilitate the lectio divina of the community. Although this is intended primarily for those who are at the beginning of their life in the cloister, some of our Oblates and other friends may find it useful.

Lectio Divina for the Week of Sexagesima
23 February — 1 March 2014


1. Clear your desk.
2. Have on your desk only your Missal, the Holy Bible in one or two translations, according to your preference, your lectio divina notebook or file cards, and a pen.  The Douai–Rheims, the Revised Standard Version, and the Ronald Knox translations are recommended.
3. Opening your Bible reverently, kneel at your desk.
4. Invoke the Holy Ghost by praying the Veni, Sancte Spiritus, or another invocation of the Holy Ghost.
5. Having invoked the Holy Ghost, kiss the sacred page and read the first few lines of the designated passage on your knees. After this you may be seated.


Your daily lectio divina consists of the following:
A.  The Introit, Epistle, Gradual, Alleluia (or Tract), Gospel, Offertory Antiphon, and Communion Antiphon of the Mass of the Day.
You are to find these texts in your Missal, and then find them in your Bible.

1. Lectio (read the text audibly but softly, in such a way as to hear the words);
2. Meditatio (repeat the words and phrases that struck you in while reading the text; you may also copy them out by hand in your lectio divina notebook or on index cards];
3. Oratio [turn the words you have read and repeated into prayer; pray audibly the Collect of the day);
4. Contemplatio (remain quietly in God, adoring Him and submitting to His operations in your soul).

B. Repeat the process, using the texts given here for your lectio continua:

Sunday: Genesis 29–31
Monday: 32–36
Tuesday: 37–40
Wednesday: 41–43
Thursday: 44–47
Friday: 48–50
Saturday: Exodus 1–4



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