The Bride They Hold
29 April 2009
The bride they hold ought to be the breviary, and the books of Holy Scripture their children. There they should take their pleasure in sharing instruction with their neighbors and in finding a holy life for themselves.
–The Eternal Father to Saint Catherine of Siena, The Dialogue
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I have read many stories about Padre Pio’s three-hour Masses, his countless hours in the Confessional, his many Rosaries that were prayed every day — and yet, I don’t recall ever reading anything that used the words “breviary” and “Padre Pio” in the same sentence. Now, after seeing this photo, all is right with the world again 🙂
Thank you Father Mark!
Dear Jeff, The Capuchins are, of the three Franciscan First Order branches, the least given to the liturgy in that, they, like so many other later reform movements, especially those of the Counter-Reform, stressed mental prayer, the examen, and a minimalistic approach to choral prayer, generally without chant. Padre Pio, nonetheless, was faithful to the “recitation” of the breviary until his failing eyesight required him in 1962 (I believe) to have the obligation of the Divine Office commuted to the Rosary.
Thank you Father Mark for your explanation and your wealth of knowledge which you so willingly share.
I’ve read that Padre Pio would usually rise from sleep about 1 a.m. and begin to pray in order to prepare himself for his 5 a.m. Mass. He was able to spend those four hours in preparation because his friary at San Giovanni Rotondo was excused from praying Matins.