
BernadetteBest.jpgHer Feast

Before the close of the day, I want to recall that February 18th is the feast of Saint Bernadette. Given that we are in the Jubilee Year of Lourdes, I cannot let the occasion pass unnoticed. Every Lent I choose one or more saints to be my companions and intercessors on the way to Holy Pascha. This year Saint Bernadette is among them. I have long cherished the Collect for her feast:

O God, protector and friend of the humble,
Who filled Thy servant, Mary Bernard, with joy
by the apparition and conversation of the Immaculate Virgin Mary:
grant, we pray, that by the simple way of faith
we may be counted worthy to see Thee face to face in heaven.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
Who, with Thee, liveth and reigneth in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God forever and ever.



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