Per antica tradizione
Leafing through the 1941 edition of the Usi Monastici of our Congregazione Cistercense di San Bernardo in Italia, I happened upon this interesting prescription:
Per antica tradizione il Matutino durante l’Ottava del Corpus Domini si recita immediatamente dopo la Compieta et coram Sanctissimo in Altari exposito.
By ancient tradition, Matins during the Octave of Corpus Domini are recited immediately after Compline and in the presence of the Most Holy Sacrament exposed on the altar.
The same book prescribes the solemn renewal in every monastery of the consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the presence of the entire religious family, on the feast of the Sacred Heart, according to the formula prescribed by the Chapter of our Congregation. While the latter practice is, in fact, maintained, no one here seems to remember Matins in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament exposed during the Octave of Corpus Domini.
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What is the prescribed formula for the consecration of the community and will the community pray the prayer of consecration on Friday?
So, the Matins is done following Compline, then the first office the next morning is Lauds, but why was this so?
I had an interesting experience on Sunday and I am not quite sure what to make of it, the 1962 Mass was celebrated in the presence of the exposed Sacrament. Theologically I am not sure I can connect the dots as to why the rubrics prescribe this act. Does it seem odd to you?