The Holy Martyrs of England and Wales
Memorial of the English and Welsh Martyrs
On May 4th in 1535 three Carthusian monks were put to death at Tyburn, the first of many English and Welsh men and women martyred for the Catholic faith between 1535 and 1680. Among the English and Welsh Martyrs one finds secular priests, and monks and friars of many Orders; there are also men and women of every walk of life, rich and poor, married and single. The legacy of the English and Welsh Martyrs is one of constancy in the Catholic faith, steadfast attachment to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, obedience to the Pope, the Successor of Saint Peter, and courage in the face of persecution.
The Roman Missal in Latin and English, (Burns Oates and Washbourne, London, 1957) contains the Proper Mass for May 4th. Here are two of the Collects given there.
O God, Who didst raise up martyrs from every walk of life
among the English,
to be champions of the true faith and of the papacy,
grant through their merits, and at their intercession,
that we may all become and remain one
by professing the same faith,
and so fulfilling Thy Son’s Prayer:
Who is God living and reigning with Thee
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
forever and ever.
Collect Pro Anglia
O God, Who from the beginning of our English Church
didst make us the dowry of the Blessed Virgin Mary
and subjects of Peter, Prince of the Apostles,
in Thy lovingkindness grant that
staunchly adhering to the Catholic faith,
we may have grace to love that Blessed Virgin constantly
and to remain obedient to Peter.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, thy Son
who is God, living and reigning with Thee,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever.