Sixth Day of the Novena

On December 30, 1861 Saint Gabriel of the Addolorata , who was twenty-three years old at the time, wrote these lines to his brother Michele. The young Gabriel comes across as somewhat cynical about human love and friendship. We know, however, from other sources, that he was sensitive, endearing, and capable of friendship. He wants, I think, to spare his brother the pain of romantic disappointments and, above all, lead him to an intimate relationship with the Blessed Virgin Mary. Gabriel’s last sentence reminds me of certain texts of Saint Bernard.
People here on earth cannot make you happy. They are inconstant, untruthful in love; and when you find someone who doesn’t have these defects, the very thought of one day having to be separated saddens and torments the heart.
But this doesn’t happen to one who chooses Mary for himself. She is lovable, faithful, constant; she never allows herself to be outdone in love, but always remains surpassing.
If you are in dangers, she runs quickly to deliver you; if you are afflicted, she consoles you; if you are weak, she sustains you; if you are in need, she helps you.

Click here for the Novena Prayers.

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