30 November, Saint Andrew, Apostle

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON The Lord saw two brothers along the sea of Galilee, Peter and Andrew, and he called to them: Come after me, and I...

Ecce Mater Tua

Thirty–Fourth Wednesday of the Year II Apocalypse 15:1–4 Psalm 97:1, 2–3ab, 7–8, 9 (R. Apocalypse 15:3b) John 19:5b–27 The Heart in Pilgrimage Ubi Petrus, ibi...

Recommended Reading

I have never made a secret of it: Blessed Abbot Marmion has been for me a spiritual master, a father, and a friend from the...

Clean Hands and a Pure Heart

Monday of the Thirty–Fourth Week of the Year II Revelation 14:1–3, 4b–5 Psalm 23:1–2, 3–4ab, 5–6 (R. 6) Luke 21:1–4 Prayer for the Holy Father...