Da nobis quaesumus
Friday of the Fifth Week of the Year I Mark 7:31–37 Mediators and Intercessors “And they brought to Him one deaf and dumb; and they...
Newman on Friendship and Love
It seems to me that this sermon, preached on the feast of Saint John the Apostle, sheds some light on the way the Venerable Servant...
Saint Colette of Corbie, Reforming Abbess
My beloved Poor Ladies at Bethlehem Monastery in Barhamsville, Virginia gently chided me for forgetting that today is indeed the solemn festival of Saint Colette,...
7 February, Blessed Pius IX
“In human affairs we must be content to do the best we can and then abandon ourselves to Providence, which will heal our human faults...
Eight Days Would Be Enough
The Saints in Our Lives The saints come into our lives, each one with a particular mission. We do not choose the saints to whom...