The “Oversight” I was made aware today that in a certain monastery the Blessed Sacrament (enclosed in a pyx) was left unattended on a shelf...
Wounds of the Spirit Which Never Close
A Letter of John H. Newman To Edward Heneage Dering on the Death of His Wife in 1876 My Dear Mr. Dering, I have felt...
The Shrine of the Volto Santo at Capodimonte
Local sanctuaries and regional pilgrimages abound in Italy. At the origin of most of them is a miraculous event or special grace. The foundational event...
A Pilgrim Monk
Cistercians celebrated today the memorial of Blessed Corrado (Conrad) of Bavaria. Born in 1105, Conrad was the son of Henry the Black, Duke of Bavaria....
Tacere et Adorare — Be Still and Adore
Today’s reflection on beseeching reminded me that I wanted to present one of Rome’s loveliest churches for beseeching and for adoring: San Claudio on the...