If You Would Know His Heart, Seek His Face
Just as one learns what is in the heart of one’s dearest friend by looking at his face, just as a wife can know what...
At the End of These My Twisting Paths
Didyme wrote this prayer. I took the liberty of translating it from the French. It is every sinner’s psalm. The last two lines are extraordinary....
Sackcloth and Gladness
Wednesday of the First Week of Lent Jonah 3: 1-10 Psalm 50: 3-4, 12-13, 18-19 (R. 19b) Luke 11:29-32 Nineveh Nineveh is in the news....
Saint Gabriel of the Addolorata
Saint Gabriel of the Addolorata died on February 27, 1862 at twenty-four years of age. Pope Benedict XV canonized him on May 13, 1920. A...
Draw Me to Thy Open Side
In response to the Holy Father’s invitation to contemplate the wounded Side of Christ, I offer my own translation of a prayer “Alla Piaga Del...