Passiontide Prayer
A number of years ago, while visiting the Augustinian Monastery of Malestroit in France, I was introduced to a prayer cherished by the incomparable Mère...
Lazare, veni foras!
Caravaggio’s Resurrection of Lazarus depicts a dead man stunned by his sudden return to life. The head of Christ is the very one Caravaggio painted...
Gazing on Christ’s Open Heart
Tuesday of the Fourth Week of Lent Ezechiel 47:1-9, 12 Psalm 45:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 John 5:1-16 All You That Thirst Today’s texts are just waiting...
Stational Mass at Santa Croce in Gerusalemme
The Solemn Stational Mass of the Fourth Sunday of Lent will be celebrated in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme this evening, 18 March...
Mothering Sunday and the Golden Rose
Mothering Sunday The Church is our Mother; we were born of her womb in Baptism. She is our Mother because, as the Introit sings, she...