Illuminet Vultum Tuum Super Nos
Missa Vespertina in Cena Domini We came in singing a humble song: “For us, no boasting” (Gal 6:14). No boasting, that is, of anything that...
Mother of God, Portress of the Holy Mysteries
Wednesday of Holy Week Isaiah 50:4-9 Psalm 68: 8-10, 21bcd-22, 31 & 33-34 (R. 14C & b) Matthew 26:14-25 At Saint Mary Major Today’s Roman...
Sacramentum Caritatis: Eucharistic Stupefaction
This Wondrous Sacrament Sacramentum Caritatis calls the Most Holy Eucharist “this wondrous sacrament.” It goes on to speak of the amazement — the stupefaction —...
The Eucharist: Salvation, Life, and Resurrection
Tuesday of Holy Week Isaiah 49:1–6 Psalm 34:13, 1–2 John 13:21–33, 36–38 Go and Prepare the Passover for Us Sunday’s solemn chant of the Passion...
Open Thy Sacred Heart and Let Me In
Ah, awful Face of Love, bruised by my hand, Turn to me, pierce me with Thine eyes of flame, And give, me deeper knowledge of...