More Photos of Pasquetta 2007 in Sepiccciano
The 17th century Palazzo Onoratelli was the home of my great–grandmother Emma Onoratelli Barbato. The stucco ornamentation in the baroque style — with smiling angels...
Pranzo at Sepicciano: Pasquetta
My cousin Carlo de Lellis and his wife Nora invited me to the Onoratelli ancestral home in Sepicciano for the second day of Pasquetta, the...
Et tu aperuisti lancea latus meum
Friday of the Passion of the Lord Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Psalm 30 Hebrews 4:14-5:9 John 18:1-19:42 Last night He sat with us at table. His Face...
A Good Friday Martyr
On 21 November 1951, in Kiev, Father Ivan Ziatyk, C.SS.R. was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment for “cooperating with anti-Soviet nationalistic organization and anti-Soviet propaganda”....
Maundy Thursday Night in Rome
The Most Blessed Sacrament was carried in procession through the basilica to the haunting strains of the Pange lingua. The chapel of reposition — the...