Saint Agnes, Virgin and Martyr

1 Corinthians 1:26-31 Psalm 22: 1b-3a, 4, 5, 6 Matthew 13:44-46 A Winter Constellation The wintertime liturgy sparkles with a constellation of virgin martyrs and...

Our Lady of Sion

“I cannot explain it. All I know is, that I entered the church knowing nothing, and I left it seeing clearly.” (Marie–Alphonse Ratisbonne) Today, January...

Mais, priez, mes enfants!

January 17th is the feast of Our Lady of Pontmain, also called Our Mother of Hope. During my retreat last October at the Benedictine Monastery...

The Votive Mass of Saint Joseph

On this first Wednesday after the Octave of the Epiphany, I will celebrate a Votive Mass of Saint Joseph. (Votive Masses are celebrations in honour...