Ego autem sum puer parvus
Ask What Thou Wilt “The Lord appeared to Solomon in a dream by night; and God said, ‘Ask what thou wilt that I should give...
Humanae Vitae, 40 Years Ago Today
I remember well the promulgation of Humanae Vitae on July 25, 1968. Subsequent history has demonstrated that Pope Paul VI spoke “with a special light...
Answer Me Tell me, my people, what I have done, that thou shouldst be a-weary of me? Answer me. Was it ill done, to rescue...
Prayer Ever on Your Lips
I first read the life of the heroic Father Willie Doyle, S.J. by Alfred O’Rahilly forty years ago. It was the summer of 1968, and...
All Things New and Better
Mary Coredemptrix I thrilled to the passage from Saint Bernard that I read this morning at Matins of the Saturday Office of the Blessed Virgin...