The Eighth Degree of Humility
5 Feb. 6 June. 6 Oct. The eighth degree of humility is, for a monk to do nothing except what is authorised by the common...
The Seventh Degree of Humility
4 Feb. 5 June. 5 Oct. The seventh degree of humility is, that he should not only call himself with his tongue lower and viler...
The fourth degree of humility
1 Feb. 2 June. 2 Oct. The fourth degree of humility is, that if in this very obedience hard and contrary things, nay even injuries,...
The third degree of humility
Jan. 1 June. 1 Oct. The third degree of humility is, that a man for the love of God submit himself to his superior in...
The second degree of humility
Jan. 31 May. 30 Sept. The second degree of humility is, that a man love not his own will, nor delight in fulfilling his own...