Bonum mihi quod humiliasti me (VII: 7th Degree)
4 Feb. 5 June. 5 Oct. The seventh degree of humility is, that he should not only call himself with his tongue lower and viler...
Et inclinato capite tradidit spiritum (XII:7)
At the core of the Rule of Saint Benedict one finds the open Heart of Jesus Crucified, and His most sweet Face inclined in the...
Et quasi absconditus vultus ejus et despectus (VII:7)
CHAPTER VII. Of Humility 4 Feb. 5 June. 5 Oct. The seventh degree of humility is, that he should not only call himself with his...
Yet, I am always with Thee
CHAPTER VII. Of Humility 3 Feb. 4 June. 4 Oct. The sixth degree of humility is, for a monk to be contented with the meanest...