Blessed Clelia Merloni
A Blessed Who Gives Hope Mother Clelia Merloni (1861–1930), foundress of the Apostles of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, will be beatified today, November 3rd,...
Soon to be Blessed: Mother Clelia Merloni
A Blessed Who Will Give Hope I was delighted recently to receive an invitation to the beatification of Mother Clelia Merloni (1861–1930), foundress of the...
An Irish Bishop Who Died in Italy
Blessed Thaddeus McCarthy We kept today the commemoration of Blessed Thaddeus Machar (McCarthy). When we first began following the Irish Sanctoral, and I had to...
The Festivals of Saints (XIV)
CHAPTER XIV. How the Night-Office is to be said on Saints’ Days 17 Feb. 18 June. 18 Oct. On the Festivals of Saints, and all...
Behold this Heart
The Mystical Invasion Saint Teresa of Jesus died in 1582. Thirty-two years later, on 31 December 1614, Catherine Mectilde de Bar was born at Saint–Dié...