Category: Saints

The Word has also come to me

CHAPTER XLII. That no one may speak after Compline 21 Mar. 21 July. 20 Nov. Monks should love silence at all times, but especially during...

St Bonaventure & the Wholly Flaming Fire

Today we keep the feast of Saint Bonaventure, Doctor of the Church. The Seraphic Doctor counsels us wisely: Question grace, not instruction; desire, not intellect;...

Saints John and Paul, Martyrs of Rome

Friends and Martyrs of the Church at Rome Today is the memorial of Saints John and Paul, named both in the Martyrology and in the...

Saint Anselm of Aosta (c. 1033 —1109)

Today is the feast of Saint Anselm, abbot of Bec, and archbishop of Canterbury, whose writings, we read at Matins, ‘seem to be drawn from...