Saint Peter’s Chains
From a Sermon by St John Chrysostom, Bishop & Doctor of the Church Nothing is so glorious as a bond for Christ’s sake, as the...
At Holywell
I am in Wales, having crossed the Irish Sea yesterday by ferry boat, the Jonathan Swift. The crossing lasted less than two hours. Tomorrow I...
Only one thing is necessary
In the Benedictine calendar, today is the feast of: Saints Martha, Mary, and Lazarus of Bethany, Hosts of the Lord A Place of Refreshment for...
SS. Martha, Mary, and Lazarus
Invitatory The God who conversed with men: * O come, let us adore. Hymn, Redditum luci, Dominus vocante Sing of the first fruits of the...
La Madre on Saint Mary Magdalene
This may be something that happens somewhere between late middle and old age but, increasingly, I find myself recalling things read when I was in...