Her Feast Today, February 18th, is the feast of Saint Bernadette. I have long cherished the Collect for her feast: O God, protector and friend...
A Remarkable Discovery
A Letter Attributed to Saint Scholastica, Virgin and Abbess A certain researcher in Rome recently uncovered the manuscript of a late medieval copy of an...
Ad aeterna tabernacula festinare
The Cross, the Passion, and the Most Holy Eucharist Today’s Saint Silvester Guzzolini (1177-1267), founder of the so-called Blue Benedictines (from the colour of their...
How the Night-Office is to be said on Saints’ Days (XIV)
CHAPTER XIV. How the Night-Office is to be said on Saints’ Days 17 Feb. 18 June. 18 Oct. On the Festivals of Saints, and all...
Harm, havoc, and one saint’s response
For the feast of Saint Teresa of Jesus: There came to my notice the harm and havoc that were being wrought in France by these...