They used to call him God-beloved
CHAPTER LXXII. Of the good zeal which Monks ought to have 30 Apr. 30 Aug. 30 Dec. As there is an evil zeal of bitterness,...
Ut obedientes sibi sint invicem
CHAPTER LXXI. That the Brethren be obedient one to the other 29 Apr. 29 Aug. 29 Dec. Not only is the excellence of obedience to...
Cum omni mensura et ratione
CHAPTER LXX. That no one presume to strike another 28 Apr. 28 Aug. 28 Dec. Let every occasion of presumption be banished from the Monastery....
Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor
CHAPTER LXIX. That no one presume to defend another in the Monastery 27 Apr. 27 Aug. 27 Dec. Care must be taken that on no...
Ex caritate, confidens de adiutorio Dei
CHAPTER LXVIII. If a Brother be commanded to do Impossibilities 26 Apr. 26 Aug. 26 Dec. If on any brother there be laid commands that...