If a Brother be commanded to do Impossibilities
CHAPTER LXVIII. If a Brother be commanded to do Impossibilities 26 Apr. 26 Aug. 26 Dec. If on any brother there be laid commands that...
Of the Oratory of the Monastery
CHAPTER LII. Of the Oratory of the Monastery 3 Apr. 3 Aug. 3 Dec. Let the Oratory be what it is called, a place of...
Of the Weekly Reader (XXXVIII)
CHAPTER XXXVIII. Of the Weekly Reader 17 Mar. 17 July. 16 Nov. Reading must not be wanting while the brethren eat at table; nor let...
Of the Sick Brethren (XXXVI)
CHAPTER XXXVI. Of the Sick Brethren 15 Mar. 15 July. 14 Nov. Before all things and above all things care is to be had of...
Of the Iron Tools and Property of the Monastery (XXXII)
CHAPTER XXXII. Of the Iron Tools and Property of the Monastery 10 Mar. 10 July. 9 Nov. Let the Abbot appoint brethren, on whose manner...