Mortem cotidie ante oculos suspectam habere (IV:III)
20 Jan. 21 May. 20 Sept. 44. To fear the Day of Judgment. 45. To be in dread of hell. 46. To desire with a...
What are the Instruments of Good Works (IV:II)
19 Jan. 20 May. 19 Sept. 22. Not to give way to anger. 23. Not to harbour a desire of revenge. 24. Not to foster...
What Are the Instruments of Good Works (IV:I)
CHAPTER IV. What Are the Instruments of Good Works 18 Jan. 19 May. 18 Sept. In the first place, to love the Lord God with...
What Kind of Man the Abbot Ought to Be (VII:7)
O most blessed of men! * who, rejecting this world, bore the yoke of the Holy Rule from tender years so lovingly; and being made...
Chapter II: Reprove, entreat, rebuke
13 Jan. 14 May. 13 Sept. For the Abbot in his doctrine ought always to observe the bidding of the Apostle, wherein he says: “Reprove,...