Category: Rule of Saint Benedict

Ut sanentur (XXX)

CHAPTER XXX. How the younger boys are to be corrected 7 Mar. 7 July. 6 Nov. Every age and understanding should have its proper measure...

Et omnes vias meas prævidisti (XXIX)

CHAPTER XXIX. Whether the Brethren who Leave the Monastery Are to Be Received Again 6 Mar. 6 July. 5 Nov. If any brother who through...

Et infirma mundi elegit Deus (XXVII)

CHAPTER XXVII. How Solicitous the Abbot Should Be of the Excommunicate 4 Mar. 4 July. 3 Nov. Let the Abbot exercise all diligence in his...

Ut sanentur (XXIII)

CHAPTER XXIII. Of Excommunication for Offences 28 Feb. 30 June. 30 Oct. If any brother shall be found contumacious, or disobedient, or proud, or a...