Saint Symeon the New Theologian
In this morning’s General Audience, our Holy Father presented yet another shining monastic figure as a model of holiness for the whole Church. Those who...
Servant of the Servants of the Cross of Christ
Pope Benedict XVI on Saint Peter Damian The Holy Father’s audience yesterday (September 2009) on Saint Peter Damian (1007-1072) revealed him, once again, as a...
The Grace of the Holy Spirit Admits of No Delay
The corpus of Pope Benedict XVI’s teachings on the Blessed Virgin Mary grows apace. By means of his homilies and addresses on or around the...
Entrusting to Mary the Priests of the Whole World
Our Lady in the Life of the Priest Pope Benedict XVI has been using every opportunity to promote a fruitful observance of the Year of...
Caritas in Veritate
Development needs Christians with their arms raised towards God in prayer, Christians moved by the knowledge that truth-filled love, caritas in veritate, from which authentic...