Category: Personal Musings

Holy Innocents

Rubens’ Virgin and Child surrounded by a wreath of chubby, pink Innocents (c. 1618) is delightful. Notice the almost mischievous smile of Baby Jesus. Does...

All that has gone before

A wise and dear friend wrote me from her cloister for the feast of the Epiphany. By God’s providence, our lives, with their changes and...

Remembering Montmartre

Twenty-nine years ago today, a few young men prayed this Act of Consecration together in the crypt of the Basilica of Montmartre in Paris. I...

The Struggle of Prayer

Relinquishing Control What does it mean to pray for someone or something? If I pray to obtain control over someone or something, I am wasting...

A First Saturday

Was anyone else struck by the Holy Father’s allusion, in today’s Regina Caeli message, to the “Marian dimension” of Pope John Paul II’s death on...