Twenty Years and Twenty Mysteries
On November 16th, I will celebrate the 20th anniversary of my ordination to the holy priesthood. I was ordained on the feast of Saint Gertrude...
Off to The Liturgical Institute in Mundelein
I leave today for The Liturgical Institute in Mundelein, Illinois where I will be giving a conference on — Are you ready for this? —...
Sean Patrick Cable: A Quarter of a Century!
On Saturday the family gathered to celebrate the 25th birthday of my eldest nephew, Sean Patrick Cable. Sean, or Sean—o as I call him affectionately,...
Blessed Encounters
I had two encounters today that made me very happy. The first took place after Mass. I was in the sacristy removing my vestments when...
Buona festa, Don Luca!
Padre Luca Maria Zecchetti, O.Cist. celebrates his onomastico today. Don Luca, a native of Milano, is the prior of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme. He possesses...