Category: Monastic

Humble, gentle, and wise

8 Feb. 9 June. 9 Oct. The eleventh degree of humility is, that when a monk speaketh, he do so gently and without laughter, humbly,...

Cum gaudio Sancti Spiritus

Saint Benedict the Practical When it comes to the observance of Lent, Saint Benedict is very practical, very concrete. He doesn’t spend a lot of...

Father Leopoldo Pastori (1939–1996)

A Missionary-Monk: Father Leopoldo Pastori (1939–1996) Leopoldo Pastori was born in Lodi, Italy on February 9, 1939. Leopoldo entered the PIME Fathers (Pontifical Institute for...

Father and Teacher of monks and hermits

The Supplemento Monastico al Messale Romano gives the following Collect and Preface for Saint Romuald. Although of recent composition and somewhat lacking in the sobriety...